Thanks CCB ladies!

I just want to thank the ladies from the CCB forum on Ebay, who have come to check out my blog! I appreciate you!

If you joined up under me on any of the programs I have listed here, and you have any questions on how things work, please don't hesitate to email me.

Also, if you joined up for Hits4Pay, don't forget to join DealsNCash also. They are sister sites and are almost identical. Hits4Pay offers $10 just for joining, and DealsNCash offers $5.oo for joining. So if you join both sites, that's a free $15! Plus, on DealsNCash, you make as much as your referrals do for each ad. So on Hits4Pay, your referral may click on a 2 cent ad, and you get 1 cent, if that same ad were on DealsNCash, you would get the full 2 cents also!